After a few weeks of adding green smoothies to my diet (breakfast everyday) I've decided it's time to make a big leap and do what is called a "green smoothie feast." It's not really a fast, since you're consuming enough calories for a human being (unlike juice fasting...) and your eating lots of yummy things like fruits and vegetables. The premise of this feasting is to do a detox of processed and cooked foods (which I know I need, even though I've been pretty good so far) and a resetting of one's tastebuds for delicious and healthy foods. (like plants). The task is to eat green smoothies for all of one's meals for whatever period of time is appropriate for you. I am just planning a brief 3 day-er, although some people do this for 45 days! Since I live in a cold climate and I'm just getting set up, I don't want to be overly ambitious and stretch my time or patience. (Thus the 3 days). Anyway, if it goes well, perhaps it's something I'll do for a longer period of time every few weeks or even every week!
Why green smoothies? If you go to rawfamily.com, you'll get bombarded by lots of "green" information, but most importantly is Victoria's book 'green for life.' Basically, she explains how humans do not eat enough greens, how they are a whole other class of vegetables with complete nutritional support, and how our concept of 'vegetable' doesn't really explain the whole wealth of veggies. (root veggies vs. flowers vs. greens). A green smoothie basically consists of some fruit, some water (if you're into the vegan thing), and some leafy greens. The fruit usually covers up the green taste enough that it's just like a normal smoothie, but less sweet. One can also make savory smoothies or raw soups with tomatoes, greens, celery, etc.
So here's how today's unfolding so far:
Woke up a 9...overslept, but still made it to yoga in time.
Got back at 11:20, and made 1st green smoothie of the day.
Frozen mangos, 1 banana, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp green powder, some kale leaves.
Some people don't do frozen fruit, but I like my smoothies to have that cold frozen texture-not the watery room temperature thing.
Anyway, I'm going to make a pot of tea and practice and whatnot, but I'll do an end-of-day post to sum up day 1.
Kayleigh ~ I'll be interested to hear about your green adventures. Re: cheese--ya, I'm in touch with a farmer who is going to make me raw goat and cow cheese (and milk). on green drinks: are you sure its a good idea to have frozen drinks in the frozen weather? mai yoga instructor stresses that it is important to consume things at least at room temperature in order to not slow down your digestive system. of course, if you're yoging it up every day and drinking enough water (which i'm not sure you do with your pea sized bladder...), its probably not a big deal. ~SH
I guess I'm not too worried, since I pretty much never go outside, except for 10 minutes here and there. I was probably outside total yesterday for 10 minutes. Today will probably more like 20 minutes. Also, my smoothies aren't that cold- they mix room temp and frozen ingredients, so they're frozen-ish.
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