Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Grizzly Bear Video Catalogue

Due to a brief inquiry from McMillan as to the nature of music videos, I'm listing all of the Grizzly Bear music videos, because all I do in my spare time is read the newspaper and watch music videos. Let's go in reverse chronology:
While You Wait For the Others-from Veckatimest, also available sung by Michael McDonald of the Doobie Brothers.

Ready, Able-also from Veckatimest, and strangely creepy. The artist is Allison Schulnik, whose other work is also pretty disturbing and depressing.

Two Weeks-the original video, not the sweet fan video that I usually post. Love the bow ties, but somehow the cuteness factor and oversized anime eyeballs are a little creepy, although it makes the drummer look kinda adorable in a weird twisted way. It really is just a reinforcement of my unresolved love for Daniel Rossen (last on the right and half of Department of Eagles) since his cheeks are just so pinchable.

Two Weeks-awesome fan video. This just blows my mind for CG animation possibilities. Being a humble computer challenged person, I didn't realize it was all CG until I'd seen it 3 or 4 times.

Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear from Gabe Askew on Vimeo.

Granny Diner/Hobo Clown-Animated Short, also by Allison Schulnik. This made me cry the first time I watched it-nothing is really more pathetic than sad claymation creatures. The track is a bonus track from "Yellow House" and it's also on the "Friend" EP, which I highly recommend because of its amazing electric version of "Little Brother," one my favorite songs of theirs.

"Knife" from Yellow House. It's been covered by lots of bands, and it's a winner of a track. Just add some weird quicksand and a creature that looks like it's made out of stale pieces of bubblegum stuck together, and we're in business.

"Central and Remote" also from "Yellow House."

"Fix It" from that way early Grizzly Bear album "Horn of Plenty," when it was just an Ed Droste project, before Daniel Rossen tempered his wayward ways.
And because I wanted to end with an oldie, but goodie, here is one of my favorite videos ever from Department of Eagles, "No One Does It Like You."

that's enough videos to keep y'alls entertained for awhile, I think.

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