Sunday, January 16, 2011

Appearance Change

I've been enjoying sitting out on the beach, changing my appearance, that sort of thing.  It's been so bizarre to see what a teensy bit of sun will change in the pigment of my skin.  I've been doing really well-as a pasty white girl, I always apply sunscreen, or at least try to...until today in which I missed a huge chunk of my back, and now it hurts to wear a bra.  The rest of me is fine-I guess I  just need to do a more thorough spraying-sunscreen job.  Fail.  But otherwise, freckling wonderfully.

listening to: simon and garfunkel.
reading: moby dick.  After 24 chapters and 130 pages, the boat has FINALLY left the flipping shore.  It's whale time!


Anonymous said...

solution: stop wearing bras!!!!

Anonymous said...

ps. thanks for the tanning update. i'll be looking forward to viewing the results in a mere few weeks!!! do we get a post on your waxing experience too?? ;-) yay for sobe!

Mary-Kathryn said...

go to Uni.K.wax! cheap! fast! ;-)