Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Instrument Price Game

Alas, one thing that has always driven me nuts about music is how people so lightly discuss the exorbitant prices of their instruments, and are very casual about their 15,000 dollar instrument, and complain how shitty it is. My biggest darkest secret (well, not the biggest, one of the biggest though) is that my instrument is dirt cheap, and that bow+viola=$4000. And well, that's worked out ok so far. it's obviously not the best of situations, but I end up sounding decent, and I don't really feel like any else's ridiculously expensive instrument is like a million times better than mine, so why bother until $20000 falls into my lap?
Here's what set off the rant inside my head. I went to another undergrad party last night (2 in one weekend- I've exceeded my quota for the semester and perhaps the year) and one of my studiomates broke her bow and the tip shattered or something like that. And she was a bit nonchalant, like, "lalala, I was so upset, but then my parents told me it was insured, and now I can upgrade!"
Me: "that's great! Were you not satisfied with it before?"
Her: "well, it was sort of a nice bow, you know, $3,000. So I was a little sad it broke."
Me, stifling an urge to spit out a beverage in shock: "Oh, yes, that would be a bit sad."

Anyway, this is just one of my many incidents in which people talk to me about their nice instruments, and I just nod and acknowledge that my instrument seems nice to them, but in fact, is quite economical. But I suppose if these people simply can't tell my instrument isn't worth oodles, then haven't I really succeeded?

listening: to new Dodos album


ci said...

hell yes you've succeeded!

(just a friendly visit from jucispeak :)

erin copeland said...

exactly . . . . people can be really insensitive. i know that my viola costs more than yours, and you play you clearly sound more competent and impressive. also, consider how much stupidly more expensive my instrument is than yours (not really an easy financial extension for my family), and someone at bowdoin this summer was talking to me about when i get my "real" viola. fuck that shit.