Friday, August 28, 2009

TNH Illness and more

I was perusing blogs and saw the letter from TNH about his illness, which was quite beautifully articulated. You can check it out here: TNH

One of the things that I am hoping for this year is that things will and can be better. I know that I am in charge of my own happiness, and that I should do my best to ensure that I am happy. Coming back to school makes me a bit nervous and frustrated, since I'd rather not be here. At the same time, I'm really glad that I don't have to relive last year again- I don't have to audition for ensembles, I don't have to take placement tests- everything is actually quite pleasant right now, I'd say. I've had a lot of fun having MJ stay here with me this week, we've had impromptu dance parties and we share all of our meals together, which is really cute. It's been a great way for me to transition back into the possibility of dealing with school and not hating it. My wrist/arm system has been a little sensitive this past week, probably because of the long break that I took (almost 2 weeks!) but I have hope that it will behave itself in a few more days. (Maybe I can get a massage!) I'm also trying to keep optimistic about all of the things in my life-teaching, school, classes, was so hard when everything fell apart last year, but I feel like that can't happen again, just by the laws of chance and whatnot. So here's to a positive new year at school, and a better year than last.


listening to: michael jackson, queen, and jens lekman

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