Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Things About Me.

People have been posting this on facebook, but I wanted to also keep it here.
 Here's my 25 things.

1. I don't like driving in the far left lane of the freeway- too close to the wall.
2. I'm a Buddhist in training, a yogi, a former raw foodist, a save-the-world-ist, and general hippie-dippie weirdo that I never thought I'd become.
3. I have to read every night before I go to bed.  No matter what.  (Novels are best.)
4. Glasses look sexy on everyone else but me.  Plastic framed ones are best.
5. I like to look at old people on the subway and imagine what they looked like as kids, teenagers, and young adults.
6. Primary colored accessories and shoes can really brighten one's day.
7. I like making things.  Cooking, crafting, writing...I'm not necessarily good at it, but I love it.
8. I obsessively have to put on chapstick from a tub, not a tube, every 15-20 minutes.
9. I compulsively buy magazines, even though I know I shouldn't.
10. I still wear my retainer every other night to bed.
11. I sometimes feel too privileged and I fear that some great amount of suffering will soon befall me.
12. I love putting things in the dishwasher or doing laundry, but I'm terrible at putting clean things away.
13. If I had to pick between having an herb and vegetable garden, dogs, and a job, and having husband, I wouldn't necessarily pick the latter.  (especially if lavender was involved)
14. Libraries are my favorite places on earth.  Seriously.
15. I start every day with a hot beverage.  If I don't, I never really wake up.
16. I have a passion for popular music that exceeds my enthusiasm for classical music.  This is mildly distressing.
17. I have a perpetual desire to learn.
18. Snow pisses me off. It's pretty if you're inside watching it, but annoying if you're outside.  Rain, on the other hand, is glorious.
19. I secretly procrastinate about stupid things.
20. The last time a guy had a crush on me was when I was 8.  At least, that's the last time I knew about it.
21. I have had at least one pair of converse all-stars every year since I was 6.
22. I am fascinated by Indian culture.  Hinduism, Buddhism, Bollywood, Classical Dance...
23. I think that writing letters to people is the best way to show that I care.  Sending mail is a wonderful opportunity for love.
24. I have eaten a salad almost every day for the last 7 or 8 years.  I like my greens.
25.  I have a tendency to be too sentimental- I often am overwhelmed by the beauty of situations.  I just keep it on the D.L.
*26.*  I apparently have my own special vocabulary of unique words that most other people don't use.  This is what I've been informed of by others.

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