Saturday, April 3, 2010

Vampire Weekday, or Please Don't Talk To Me, I'm Busy Watching My Celebrity Crush

As many of you know, I went to Toronto on Tuesday for a most excellent concert by one of my favorite bands, Vampire Weekend. My love for specific bands usually goes in 1-2 month chunks- I'll get really obsessed with something for a while, then move on and temporarily forget about them, and rediscover them a few months later. Such is the case with many of my favorite groups, including V.W. My boss at the Boston Public Library first introduced them to me in the summer of 2008, so there are songs that I strangely associate with the city of Newton, MA, where I was residing at the time. I forgot about them for a year or so, then they released their new album this year- the single "Cousins" was take it or leave it for me, so I wasn't totally sold, but I had hope in their abilities, and I wasn't disappointed. Anyway, in February, when I coincidentally discovered that I had not passed prescreening at Colburn (WTF, but whatever) I decided I needed to be bold and highly decadent, and buy tickets to see a show. Thus this event came to pass. (I realize that's a lot of random backstory. Sorry)

Anyway, the bottom line is that the show was amazing- their music is really fun and energetic- it always makes me think of summer and drinking red stripe. I don't know that I would ever have a deep spiritual epiphany as a result of them, but it's just fun and interesting music. The show was very carefully crafted- they played most of the songs off the two albums, and the performance was mostly very similar to the actually albums. There weren't a lot of variations in terms of improvising solos, fills, and whatnot, but somehow that was mostly ok. What I was most excited about though, was the fact that the lead singer can actually sing. Many times, I am totally disappointed in bands when they play live, or even on TV, because I see how much post-production editing takes place. But this was the real deal. (And he was cuter in real life too.) The other thing that was so interesting to realize is that there was a certain masked sense of insecurity that was hidden in the show. These guys aren't that old- maybe all 24-26, and it was so interesting to see them project a certain confidence that was necessary, but at the same time a reserved nature underneath. I almost enjoyed knowing that the most. It was so interesting to realize that for all the praise we give bands and celebrities, they are still complicated people behind the projected persona. I can't really explain what exactly they did or didn't do that made me feel that way, it was probably something I just noticed as a fellow performer. It was like they could be courageous while performing, but as soon as they had to address 3,000 people, they were a little cautious, perhaps for good reason. Either way, it was fascinating.
We also went to an afterparty of sorts, which could have been more amazing, if we had had more cash...argh. So we had heard of a top secret afterparty in which the bassist would be DJ-ing, and we had only taken out about $60 Canadian for the day. We ended up spending a bunch of it on the taxi to get there, and then the cover fee for the party. We go in, and we see the lead singer (aka. my big celebrity crush) bartending. And we proceed to flip out. We don't want to seem too anxious and needy (MJ and I, that is), especially since we're not dressed as groupies: we're wearing normal clothes, and it's cold. After some milling about, we get in line, he takes our order, and then we're told that they don't take cards. Thus, we didn't really get to talk to him, and we went on a fruitless search for an ATM, and because Canada is stupid about VISA, were unable to buy a beer from him and talk about music. It kinda sucked, but we did get to sort of see him and have our order to taken. Tragic, truly. But here's what we decided: if we had talked to him, it would have been stupid superficial things, and we really wanted to know substantial things about them writing music, and influences, and things like that. We were just some groupies there to fawn over them, or at least not only fawn over them. Also, he might have been contrary to what my fantasy crush persona has allotted for him, which would then ruin the dream. And that would be unfortunate.
Anyway, the overall evening was a success, although I do regret not having the means to have a conversation with the lead singer, the boyish and charming ezra koening. I'll just have to settle for the music videos.

Thinking about: why I don't play in a band in Brooklyn or Canada. Apparently, that's where all the cool bands are, and I want in on that.


Anonymous said...

ps. is that jake gyllenhaal in that video??

kales said...

Yes. Also, the middle Jonas Brother is in the beginning, and the Ref for the game is a rapper that I don't know.