Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eastman Just Redeemed Itself

So my experience at Eastman is being redeemed, slowly. I found out today that I won the annual viola award of sorts, which is great and all, but more importantly has a CASH prize. Not just any cash prize, but $1000. Cha-ching. Wow. (Now, I'm planning on paying off most of the $800 on my credit card with this check, but really, it's the thought that counts. And maybe I'll go shopping for the first time 4.5 months. And buy my new strings.)

To think that a year ago today, I was tragically upset about my loss of the Performer's Certificate? Dude, money means way more to me than a piece of paper. So Eastman, you've proven to me in the last year that nothing makes sense, but in that way, it seems to be favoring me. Take that, stupid orchestra seating! Take that, performer's certificate! Take that, concerto competition with evil unsavory people in it! Take that, TENDONITIS! All of the stupid things I've endured at Eastman are slowly becoming worth it, now that I have a reward for my suffering. Now to just keep it together for the next two weeks: recital, Brandenberg, papers, tests...

Listening to: MGMT. Will be listening to some new records from the libs.


Mary-Kathryn said...

WooHoo!!! Congrats, Kales!!! you're the best!

Anonymous said...

ooo, congrats! (mgmt mix??)

kales said...

mix might have to wait until my papers, tests, finals and recital(s) are done.