Friday, September 4, 2009

School and motivation

Carol has this amazing gift of both overestimating one's abilities while also inspiring one to work exceptionally hard. That's my perception, at least. Almost every "planning" lesson with carol features her telling me that I should do something close to absurd, like memorizing the ligeti sonata, for example, or that I should apply for GD at a gazillion good schools. While I sometimes hate the pressure she can put on people, I enjoy it, since it makes me work harder, even if it can be a bit crazy sometimes. For the first week of school, it's been pretty painless in general. I only have 2 classes (count them! 1-2), and I didn't go to one class meeting and the other one was shortened. I'm not in ensemble, and I'm doing chamber music with my friend for no credit. So while Carol is piling things on, I think it'll actually be ok because I might have the time to complete the mission, so to speak. While I did have a baby flare-up last weekend, which was really odd, I seemed to have healed, which is GREAT. I really want to make a serious effort to keep that under control, because I'd like to have a very healthy year and feel good about that healthiness. I think this year has to be better, because I don't have orchestra, I don't have to deal with totally lame classes like last year, and I've been a much better "course" shopper. So cheers to new year enthusiasm.

In other news, fall is always punctuated by the sound of lawn mowers through an open window. And I love it.

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