Sunday, July 12, 2009

Shirking on my responsibilities

It's been really hard to keep up my blog now that I've been in summer festival mode for two weeks. Instead of pursuing my usual Kayleigh certified activities, like reading and cooking, I'm instead socializing, which does not lead to lots of time for writing and personal contemplation. So, I've been falling behind in my blog maintenance. However, I am having a fabulous time in Banff, and I feel no shame in practicing and listening to recordings in excess, as well as spending lots of time with people, since I'm usually such a recluse at school. Also, while being here, surrounded by Bostonians and NEC people, it reminds me how fabulous Boston is, and how fabulous it would be to live there again. I've often regretting coming to Eastman, and frankly, it's no surprise that I've regretted it, with the year I've had. But I have to do something after I leave Eastman, and perhaps that may involve Boston or another cool and exciting new prospect. I've been very privileged to study with Roberto Diaz and Roger Tapping here in banff-land, and I've learned loads from both. But really, I just think Roger Tapping is amazing, and he's the first teacher that I've experienced, either in masterclass, lessons, or otherwise, and said "Damn! I could really study with him and learn a ton! And we'd get along!" So, that's good to know. It's also ironic to me, because he's why I applied to Eastman, not Carol, although I've been delighted to continue studying with her obviously. So maybe there's a reason for me to return to Boston, besides excellent ice cream and yoga establishments, that is.

Currently listening to: Thao and the get down stay down

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