Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Only in Death

One of the things I have been thinking about since Michael Jackson's death is how we treat celebrities quite poorly in our society. While Michael isn't exactly a victim in all ways, the paparazzi have pretty much made his every move in the last 10 years a sensationalized freak show article, taking no notice of his strengths or positive acts. This reminds me of Princess Di's death 10+ years ago...why can't we just leave people be? Why do we have to suffocate them with gossip, hate, and lies? Even if they make mistakes, as all people do, why should I know about celebrity rehab that's meant to be kept private? I wouldn't want to share that information with too many people, let alone whole countries of people. I only hope that Jackson's legacy will be his music and his charitable acts in the 80's and 90's (pre-debt), rather than a series of scenes from South Park or pictures of Jackson doing odd things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

newt wrote a pretty great post about that.
