Saturday, October 31, 2009

Yes for change. No for hate.

I am thrilled to read that congress and Obama have changed the policies on HIV/AIDS travelling internationally. While I am shocked and appalled that such a legislation even existed, I'm glad that I live at a time when there is a movement away from bigotry and towards tolerance. On the other hand, I feel devastated for the people of Uganda, with the possible "Anti-Homosexuality" bill. I had a friend who posted against this on his facebook wall (he's super-Christian) and it made me happy that he could resist his friends' disagreements on the issue. His point was that no matter what you believe about homosexuality, no government should ever have the power to kill people for their sexual lifestyle. My friend hasn't gotten too much backlash for it, but some of the responses have been interesting, things like:
"I don't think governments should ever be that powerful, but I also don't agree with homosexuality. so..."
Otherwise, I'm proud of him for having his views on human rights, no matter his spiritual views.

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