Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blog absence and more!

I have alas, remiss in my blogging because there is no internet in my house, aside from my parents' archaic dialup. (Need I even mention the challenges of dialup???) And I have little desire to update via iphone, since that's just lame. However, my adventures of the last three weeks have been ripe with adventure and fodder for blogging, from seeing many fabulous movies worthy of discussion (a single man, an education, precious, and fantastic mr. fox) to going to Knott's berry farm and disneyland in the same week, to enduring the slings and arrows of my aunt's furies. We'll get to the juicier postings in a bit, but for now, here are some key points as to what my break has entailed:
1) More shopping than I've ever done, mostly in search of the perfect dress for my Berlioz performance in February.
2) More trips to my grandparents' house, as I am unsure how long they will live, especially since my Aunt f*cked up.
3) Continual rants from the family about my aunt's f%ck up. Here's what happened: my aunt, a year ago, stormed her parents (my grandparents)' home, and said something to the tune of:
"You were never good parents, you were just a drunk with a paycheck." She hasn't spoken to them since, which is totally stupid since they are 87, my grandfather hasn't had a drink in 25 years, and this is an argument 35 years too late. my aunt is 62!!!! It's led to all of those contemplations on forgiveness, love, death, and taking responsibility for one's choices.
4) Movies. mostly good.
5) Practicing
6) Healthy eating (both of my parents have lost a lot of weight in the last 6 months, so we've been eating to help them maintain the loss). We've also been doing lots of long walks, sometimes 6 and 7 miles a day. It makes me really proud that my parents are taking some good initiative towards their health, since I'm the one who is the eco-nazi/healthy food freak.
7) Some interesting talks with my parents about what I'm doing with my life, what I should do if they die, etc.
8) Cat time.
9) scrabble time.
10) some good books.

Fortunately, I have loads of more substantial things to say, I just wanted to get the ball rolling again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes yes, by all means, get it rolling!!